Ravy & family

on site director



If you would like to help provide nutritious meals, school supplies, medical care and tutoring to enhance their schooling.

Hannah's Hope Children's Home

Our staff

- Bradley Welborn

Founding of Hannah's Hope Children's Home

​A dream often starts in the hearts of those who recognize a need. That's exactly how all of this began several years ago when a small group of Christian's recognized such a desperate need and began to dream. Their dreaming soon led to much prayer and, finally, a plan. Out of this emerged the concept of "Hannah's Hope." 

According to international organizations, a child is orphaned every 14 seconds. These "street children," as they are often referred, to live from day to day by scavenging for food, sleeping on the streets, and often stealing whatever they can just to survive. Because they have no family, no home, no hope, and no place to go, they are often forced into prostitution, drug running, and other criminal activities by depraved, self-serving adults. Hannah's Hope Christian Children's Homes is an effort to stem just a small part of this dreadful tide that is stealing the lives, hearts, and souls of so many of the young children in this world. Because of personal experiences and relationships with the "street children" on the part of the original organizing group, the country of Cambodia was chosen to become the location of the first Children's Home. Appropriately, the name, Hannah's Hope, comes from the beautiful and moving story in I Samuel 1:1-28 of Hannah's desire to have a child. 

You can help by sponsoring a child or making a one time donation. Hannah's Hope is a 501 C 3 non- profit organization

Meet the children

​​We're continually working hard to improve communities throughout the state. If you're interested to see what we've been doing recently (especially if you want to help), check out our project list.


Provides a safe environment to orphaned and abandoned children in the country of Cambodia.  The purpose is to promote the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being

of abandoned and orphaned children.